AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certified
On the 22nd of December 2021 I sat and passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. I found this to be a great exam! Without breaking the NDA, the exam was clear, concise and really well worded. Im really enjoying the remote exams as well. Its so much easier than hopping onto a train, find the station, try and locate the test centre. Back to the AWS CCP! I used Stephane Marek's Udemy course and then used A Cloud Guru's AWS CCP 2021 course to re-inforce the knowledge. The ACG course is really well written with access to Sandbox's and Labs. There are test's at the end of each module as well as a full practice test at the end of the course. The ACG Practice exam has about 450 questions. With that in mind, I only took five practice tests as I didnt want to just "learn the answer". I was averaging about 75% on the practice tests. I would like to have improved on that score but the AWS CCP Exam is about £80.00 so I thought I would go for it and see how I got on. ...