Things change so quickly!
At this point 2 Months ago, I had planned on having my Python Essentials exam done, as well as almost completing my Linux Essentials study, just in time for the exam at the end of March. Well Linux Essentials is still going ahead, but a little bit delayed on the Python qualification. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Python. I think it's fantastic. So why O why am I finding it so difficult to get my head around it? I spent the whole of January working on the Python PCAP course and it was great. First two modules, smashed out the park. 80% on the End of Module tests, 100% on the end of Module questions. Its Modules 3 and 4 that are really stumping me and Im not sure why. That being said, I will persevere and get through the course and nail the exam. In regards to Linux Essentials, I am 90% of the way through the ACG (Or Linux Academy course as it was known) with the intention of getting this cert the end of March. There has been quite a lot of change at work in that ...